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时间:2024-04-25   浏览:3次

1、散伙是人间常态,你我又不是什么例外。 Breaking up is normal in the world, and you and I are no exception. 2、我要离开你们的世界,我要让所有人对我绝望。 I want to leave your world, I want to let everyone despair of me. 3、也许我没有什么天赋,唯有斗志,我绝不会输给任何人。 Maybe I have no talent, only fighting spirit, I will never lose to anyone. 4、你要谨记,除了父母的爱,其他的爱都是有目的的。 You should bear in mind that except for the love of your parents, all other love has a purpose. 5、清了这杯浊酒,散了一场老友,你的余生,不再有我。 Clear this cup of wine, scattered an old friend, the rest of your life, no longer have me. 6、上帝是公平的,给了你一张丑的脸,还会给你一个穷的家。 God is fair, give you an ugly face, but also give you a poor home. 7、安静的眸,平静的心,做个左右阳光的人,安好。 Quiet eyes, calm heart, do a person about the sun, well. 8、你又不来睡我,你管我几点睡觉。 If you don't come to sleep with me, you don't care what time I go to bed. 9、过去的没办法改变,但未来还在你的掌握之中。 There is no way to change the past, but the future is still in your hands. 10、在月黑风高的夜晚,睡不着只好到你的家里拜访你。 In the dark and windy night, I can't sleep, so I have to visit you at your home. 11、天气冷了,连起床都需要莫大的勇气啊。 It's cold. It takes a lot of courage to get up. 12、爱情不是依附,爱情是各自独立坚强,然后努力走到一起。 Love is not attachment, love is independent and strong, and then strive to come together. 13、当一份幸福正在远离的时候,也是另一份幸福正在靠近当中。 When a piece of happiness is far away, another piece of happiness is approaching. 14、人虽然是从畜生变化来的,但可惜的是,许多人又变了回去。 Although people have changed from animals, it is a pity that many people have changed back. 15、离别和失望的伤痛,已经发不出声音来了。 The pain of parting and disappointment has lost its voice. 16、见你的第一眼就知道,你是一头难养的猪。 I know at the first sight that you are a difficult pig. 17、懒惰像生锈一样,比操劳更消耗身体。 Sloth, like rust, consumes more than labour. 18、他是致命爱人,让人逃脱不了对他的思念。 He is a fatal lover, so people can't escape his missing. 19、别再问我值不值得,我只知道没有他的日子很难过。 Don't ask me if it's worth it, I just know it's hard to live without him. 20、分手,我没有挽留。因为你说过,就是喜欢这样要强的我。 Break up, I did not retain. Because you said that you just like me. 21、突如其来的相遇,始料不及的欢喜。 Sudden encounter, unexpected joy. 22、如果你过得不好,我宁愿换你自由。 If you don't live well, I'd rather change your freedom. 23、以后再也不能,把心事说给你听,我要独自长大了。 I can't tell you what's on my mind any more. I'm going to grow up alone. 24、如果一份爱情可以一直保持最初的好感与新鲜感,那该有多好? If a love can always keep the initial good feeling and freshness, how good should it be? 25、如果不曾遇到你,我也不会知道,爱无需完美;爱只需真实。 If I don't meet you, I don't know that love doesn't need to be perfect; love only needs to be true. 26、给你两个选择:吃屎或喜欢我。 Give you two choices: eat shit or like me. 27、大家为什么看上去那么热爱生活,是不是装的。 Why do people seem to love life so much? Are they pretending. 28、没有什么比失去更痛彻,没有什么比回忆更绝望。 Nothing is more painful than loss, nothing is more desperate than memories. 29、如果你选择一条保守的路,就只能实现一个狭窄的目标。 If you choose a conservative path, you can only achieve a narrow goal. 30、你不见了,我才如此想念。 I miss you so much when you're gone. 31、和熬夜一样难改的就是爱你。 And stay up late as hard to change is to love you. 32、你玩的都是套路,辜负我的都是深情。 What you play is routine, and what fails me is affection. 33、我说我爱你,不是说说而已。是我想用一生去做的事。 I said I love you, not just to say. It's something I want to do with my life. 34、每个人都有自己的故事或感动或幸运或悲惨但都是命。 Everyone has his own story, either moved or lucky or miserable, but it's all fate. 35、明天的你,一定会感谢今天努力的自己。 Tomorrow's you, will certainly thank today diligently own. 36、或许,多年后你再听到我的名字会笑着说不认识。 Maybe, many years later, when you hear my name again, you will smile and say you don't know me. 37、我用一朵花开的时间去想你,花落的时间去忘记。 I use the time of a flower to think of you, and the time of a flower to forget. 38、当我的打字法都认识你的时候,我想我是真的爱上你了。 When I knew you in my typing, I think I really fell in love with you. 39、我不要LV爱马仕巴黎世家,我只要你给我剥的小龙虾。 I don't want LV Hermes, I just want the crayfish you peel for me. 40、啊,下雨了,可我还是睡不着。尝试入睡失败! Ah, it's raining, but I still can't sleep. Failed to try to sleep! 41、那是一场盛世流年,我们守着寂寞伤得面目全非。 It was a golden age, we keep lonely hurt beyond recognition. 42、你伤我如此之深,我心里却全是你的甜言蜜语。 You hurt me so much, but my heart is full of your sweet words. 43、我说,你是我心中的太阳。你说,我说你永远的光芒。 I said, you are the sun in my heart. You say, I say you'll always shine. 44、如果,我知道有一天会这么爱你,我一定对你一见钟情。 If I know that I will love you so one day, I will love you at first sight. 45、如画江山,生死两茫茫。等你在那忘川,饮尽断肠。 Picturesque rivers and mountains, life and death two boundless. Wait for you to forget Sichuan, drink heartbroken. 46、时间会抚平所有的伤痛,慢慢的,我就会忘记一切。 Time will heal all the pain, slowly, I will forget everything. 47、从未拥有,何谈不舍,得而不惜,爱而不得。 Never have, never give up, get at, love but not. 48、不管你经历过什么,过去了就再也不会回来。 No matter what you've been through, you'll never come back. 49、初说在一起的是你,可最后舍不得的却是我。 You are the first one to be together, but I am the last one. 50、不是我不联系你,而是你给我的感觉,是我在打扰你。 It's not that I don't contact you, but that you give me the feeling that I'm disturbing you.






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